Kodu Game Lab For Mac

I warn you that in this post, I am going to sound like a critic/journalist and I apologize for that.

Kodu features an eye-catching design that makes it feel like a game by itself. It includes lessons and sample games to get you started and make things even easier. You'll find a handful of ready-made objects, characters and obstacles, which you can arrange with keyboard and mouse and program with a special card system. Kodu Game Lab Website - design, build (program) and play your own games on a PC or XBox. (see video) Kodu lets kids create games on the PC and XBox via a simple visual programming language. Kodu can be used to teach creativity, problem solving, storytelling, as well as programming. Download Kodu for your PC (not for MAC). Kodu provides an end-to-end creative environment for designing, building, and playing your own new games. Aimed at children, although accessible to anybody, Kodu offers a high-level language that.

I downloaded Kodu Game Lab around a week or two ago and I’ve been planning to write something about it for sometime now but like every other human on this planet, plans come up and when I’m not busy I’m playing NBA 2K11 or Black Ops. But since i have some time on my hands I’m going to start talking about the pro’s and con’s about it.

Let’s start with the pros…

Kodu Game Lab is a program that you can download for free and it allows you to create games or play games that come with the program or download games that other users make. Its a good program for the people who want to be apart of the video game designing industry because it’s simple, easy to use, and fun. Another thing good about this program is that you can get it on the Xbox 360 (either from the Xbox Live Marketplace or you transfer it there with a USB, I don’t really know I’m a PlayStation 3/Mac person I don’t really prefer Microsoft.) and make the games either on your computer or Xbox. And once your done making your game, you can upload it to the Xbox Live Marketplace for other gamers to download it.

Kodu Game Lab For Mac

Now the cons…


Kodu doesn’t let you make the game your way, yes you do design the program like what each charterer does, but you can’t create your own characters and there are only certain actions you can make them do. For example, when i first tried the program on my laptop, I tried it out by trying to make a 3rd person shooter since me and Claudio are working on a sports game. But you can not add in humans, you can only use Kodu’s which can’t move their feet when they run. Also you can’t make a certain rang of site for the computer, so as soon as i spawned I saw the bullets coming at my Kodu within a matter of seconds. Another way of Kodu limiting your abilities is that you can only program each object to do certain things, for example i never saw a jump or interact option when programing a Kodu or anything.

Kodu game lab download freeKodu Game Lab For Mac

Kodu Game Lab Play

Kodu Game Lab For Mac

Kodu Game Lab Download Free

I’m going to stop there because I could go on with both the cons and pros. But to me the cons out weight the pros by a pretty good amount. So i suggest that if you want to try out creating a game then look for another game lab program and don’t let Kodu be your first choice if your serious with programing. But if you want to create a game for your kids or daycare or anything else like that, then i suggest Kodu because it wont take you that long to create a game to entertain those kids for days.

And sorry again for sounding like a critic/journalist in this post.