Sims 4 Custom Content Child Hair

Want to play a cool young lifestyle virtually? In sims4 we virtually experience some great adult lifestyle like sims4 female hair, clothes, body skins, and other great stuff. Women’s hairstyles and female hair styles are too much fun with Sims 4 female hairstyling features. Players can so many girl hairstyles to try on that sim.

Sims 4 Child Hair Mod For Male & Female
Sims 4 Female Hair Mod Pack
Sims 4 Urban CC Hair Collections
Best Sims 4 Maxis Match Hair Pack
Sims 4 Male Hair CC Pack
Sims 4 Toddler Hair Mod

We can say this is one of the best Sims 4 resources that players do have. Yes, having such customizable hairstyle options is too much popular among girls. They can Sims short female hair option, curly hair option, body hair customization option to apply on their sim. We have collected some awesome Sims female hair options for you that you can try out while playing this game. You just simply have to download them and apply them to your character. After doing just a few steps, yeah you are then ready to have fun.

HoneysSims4 Recolor Retexture female hair Skysims 252

  1. Aug 4, 2019 - Explore Kiredea's board 'My Fav Toddler Hair - Boy SIMS4', followed by 2295 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about Toddler hair, Sims 4 toddler, Sims 4 children.
  2. Browse all of our Sims 4 Custom Content for the best curated list of top downloads. We've hand-picked our favourite Sims 4 Custom Content for you to explore below. Once you find your favourite custom content, just click the Sims 4 Custom Content Free Download button.
  3. Sep 27, 2020 - Explore Asia's board 'Sims 4 Kids Hair', followed by 153 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about sims 4, sims, kids hairstyles.

This sims 4 female hair tool is used to color and retexture female’s hair by picking up any color from the color picker.

Sims 4 Custom Content Child Boy Hair

Hermione Granger hair

Most of you might like Hermione Granger’s character from Harry Potter movies. You can style your Sim’s hair just like Hermione by using this Sims 4 female hair option.


Sims 4 Custom Content Child Hairstyles

Moonstone Hairs

Sims 4 Cc Child Hair Maxis Match Uncategorized April 10, 2020 0 masuzi Lunarrlakes dove hair sweet sims 4 finds sims 4 child hair mod with male female kids cc color pack birksches sims blog side braid hair 4 hairs mildred hair glitche. Sims 4 Child Hair Mod download includes male and female kids custom color & content pack both in new 2019 latest can customize & add hairstyle.

Moonstone Hairs are for some of those who like some funky look of their character. It is colorful and trimmed from both sides’ hair. It looks so stunning and puts a kind of funky impact. This mod is so different and good among Sims 4 female hair options.

Anto – Daisy (Hairstyle)

The cutest Sims 4 female hairstyle we can ever find is this anto-daisy hairstyle. It has more than 130000 downloads from all internet and too many popular options this one is. It gives you a sober and attractive hairstyle with a ribbon on the backside of the head. You should try this out once, you will surely like this.

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If you’re like me, you were probably highly disappointed by the hyper realism of The Sims 4’s genetics. Any unnatural hair colours that your Sims have won’t get passed down to their children. The game assumes these colours are “dyed” and so children don’t have access to the same unnatural colours adults do, making the ever-popular Perfect Genetics Challenge impossible to do. This is fine if you like hyper-realism but what if you don’t like such constraints? What if you want a fantasy Sim with natural hot pink hair who has the ability to pass that hair colour down another generation?

This is why I’ve created unnatural hair colours for children and made them genetic, so now your Sims can pass on their purple pastel, hot pink, dark blue, turquoise or green hair to their children! The hairs are also all Maxis match, they use the same textures as the original hair so they don’t look out of place!

NOTE: I’ve finally updated the child hairs for Get Together and Perfect Patio. The only one I have yet to do is Spooky Stuff but I don’t own Spooky Stuff so the Spooky Stuff hair may not get added for a while. If you own Spooky Stuff, you can still use the hair I do have up for download, there just won’t be unnatural varieties of the hair that was included with Spooky Stuff. All the hair should work properly with the latest patch (v. 1.13 as of December 2015) and all packs installed, but let me know if they don’t.


(Click for larger images)

Hot Pink



Q:Is this a mod or CC?
A: This is CC, not a mod. I have recoloured all the child hairstyles in the game to match the five unnatural hair colours available to adults, which are purple pastel, hot pink, dark blue, turquoise and green. All the recoloured hair is genetic. Any Sims with unnatural hair colours will now have a chance of passing on their hair colour to their children.


Sims 4 Custom Content Child Hair Tumblr

Q:What about Game Packs, Stuff Packs and Expansions? I don’t have all of them. Can I still download these?
A: Yes! There are four different downloads, currently. One for the base game, one for Outdoor Retreat, one for Get To Work and one for Get Together. Download the ones that you have the content for. If you only have the base game, only install the base game download. If you have Outdoor Retreat, Get To Work or Get Together, install the downloads for the add-ons you have. I plan to update and add more downloads for each add-on as they’re released so if you get a new add-on that comes with new child hair, just come back here to install the download for your latest add-on.

Q:Are these default replacements?
A: Nope! These just add the five unnatural colour swatches to all the child hairs in the game. They don’t replace any existing colours. Your child Sims can still have all the existing hair colours in the game in addition to these new colours.

Q:So will my Sims with unnatural hair always have children with unnatural hair?
A: It depends on the other parent’s hair colour and the game’s random mutation chance. I haven’t changed the way genetics works in the game, I’ve just added unnatural colours for children. If a Sim with green hair has a child with a blonde Sim, the child could have blonde hair or green hair. If two Sims with green hair have a child, the child will almost always have green hair, except in cases where a genetic mutation happens and they end up with a random hair colour instead. The game’s designed to allow for a random gene a small percentage of the time, so two green-haired Sims might occasionally have a child with a different hair colour but will usually only have green-haired children.

Q:Will this work for custom hair, too?
A: It may or it may not, depending on what colour categories the creator has enabled for their hair. Creators all use their own colour palettes when creating custom hair as well so another creator’s turquoise could look completely different from my turquoise. All I can really guarantee is that all the Maxis hairs match with my recolours, sorry!

Q:My child Sims still have normal-coloured eyebrows!
A: That’s normal. To have matching eyebrows with these recolours, I’d have to recolour all the child eyebrows in the game to match the hair, which I have not done. I might take this on soon, though, since I’d also like to have child eyebrows match the recoloured hair, so I’ll keep you posted!


  1. Download the base game hair recolours along with the recolours for any add-ons you have installed.
  2. Unzip and place the folders in Documents > Electronic Arts > Sims 4 > Mods
  3. Run the game and enjoy!

Sims 4 Custom Content Male Child Hair


Sims 4 Custom Content Kid Hair

A big thank you to the folks who made S4Studio and all the tutorials for it. A very special thank you goes out to my good friend, Nick, better known as @adventfear on Twitter for introducing me to recolouring hair with S4Studio. This series of genetically-enabled hair would not exist without him, so thanks Nick! Nick’s also a pretty talented Sims story writer, so check out his Sims story blog, Tom and Annabelle!


Base Game Genetic Hair
Outdoor Retreat Genetic Hair
Get To Work Genetic Hair
Perfect Patio Genetic Hair
Get Together Genetic Hair