Darth Vader Vs Sephiroth

Disclaimer: Star Wars is the property of Lucasfilm Ltd. Sephiroth is theproperty of Square Enix. All characters, locations, objects andconcepts are used without permission. No profit is being made.

Ok darth vader has no power. He is a burned up guy with no legs. And i have no idea who sephiroth is. Tie between orochimaru and voldemort.

  1. The name Anakin appears to come from Anakim as per the Sons of Anak in the Bible and whereas, Darth Vader seems to be derived from the “Da’ath” black sephiroth in Jewish mysticism of Kabala, referred to in Freemasonry rituals.
  2. Sephiroth in the Jedi Temple during Operation Knightfall. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure - Darth Vader, Sephiroth - Words: 2,426 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 12 - Follows: 4 - Published: 5/6/2007 - Status: Complete - id: 3526102.
  3. Darth Vader VS Sephiroth Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links. KMC Forums Star Wars Star Wars: Literature & Expanded Universe Star Wars Versus Forum Darth Vader VS Sephiroth.
  4. Like Darth Vader, Darth Malak would deflect any and every attack with the Force or his lightsaber. RELATED: Star Wars: 5 Reasons Why We Want A KOTOR Remake (& 5 Why We Don't) Imagine Master Chief entered the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic universe.

One-Winged Angel

Darth Vader felt an intense rush of warmth in his mind asSerra Keto's broken body fell before him. The distant reports ofblaster rifles from the 501st Legion were growing more infrequent.Few survivors were left in the abominable Jedi Temple. Even his purgeof the Tusken encampment was not as liberating as surrendering to thepower of the dark side and bending it to his will.


Vaderkicked one of Serra's lightsabers out of his way as he continued hismission. His glowing blue blade still hummed. The element of surprisewas long gone. The remaining Jedi already knew one of their own wasleading the attack. The realization gave birth to a cruel smile onVader's face as he spotted a retreating youngling running through thecorridor.

Not bothering to waste a stroke of his blade, Vaderextended his right hand and began asphyxiating the youngling, a humanboy. The child died by a single thought, an inferno of hatred. Vaderwaved his arm, tossing his enemy like a rag doll.

Clappingdrew Vader's attention to the balcony above him. A tall human malewearing a black synthetic leather trench coat, military issued blackboots and shoulder armor wore a wicked grin. He had glowing eyes ofjade and a long silver mane. But what truly astounded Vader was thatthe man carried a sword with an incredibly long blade at his side.

'This is a restricted area!' Vader barked. The newlyanointed Sith Lord had no time for spectators.

'You arevery powerful,' the man said. 'I sensed your hatred and it drewme across the void. You have such a turbulent home.'

Vadersaid, 'You're no Jedi.'

'No,' replied the mysteriouswarrior. 'I am Sephiroth, the new heir to this planet.'

Vaderlaughed out loud. 'If anyone will rule Coruscant after this day isthrough, it will be my Emperor,' he said.

'Then you arejust another puppet,' Sephiroth mocked. 'Tell me your name so Ican know who I am sending back to the planet when I pierce your heartwith the Masamune.'

Vader's eyes transformed from theirnormal blue to the color of sulfur. 'I am Darth Vader and it shallbe you that falls this day!'

Sephiroth jumped from thebalcony, drawing the Masamune during his descent with rapid fluidity.Vader lazily swung his lightsaber upwards to disable his enemy. Itwas only when their blades met and the Masamune did not give beforeVader's weapon that the Sith Lord's overconfidence disappeared in aninstant.

Darth Vader Vs Sephiroth 3

Sephiroth retracted the Masamune, capitalizing onVader's momentary shock. Sephiroth plunged his blade forward, meetinga more serious parry from the Sith Lord. The mysterious warriorremained on the offensive, unleashing a lightning fast flurry ofstrikes mostly aimed at Vader's torso, despite the fact thatSephiroth had to give a small amount of ground to launch each attackdue to the immense length of the Masamune.

Vader's gazehardened and the Sith Lord took care not to transmit any signs offrustration. The Sith Lord was not accustomed to the defensive,relying on the more aggressive Form V Djem So to overpower andneutralize his enemies. Sephiroth was making a mockery of all Vader'straining with his impressive display of swordsmanship.

Usinga Force push, Vader was able to put a halt to Sephiroth's drive. Hetwirled his lightsaber as he barreled towards his opponent. Theoncoming underhanded strike shifted the battle to Vader's advantage.Sephiroth easily parried the blow before Vader retracted and pivotedhis body to shift his striking position. Vader's next blow was aswift horizontal arc intended to tear through Sephiroth's defenses.

Darth Vader Vs Sephiroth Battle

Sephiroth refused to take the bait, giving ground and raisinghis sword to the point where the hilt was level with his forehead andthe Masamune effectively formed a protective shield in front of hisbody. The warrior walked in a sideways semicircle, daring Vader toattack him.

Without hesitation, Vader charged. At thatmoment, Sephiroth released his left hand from the hilt and swung theMasamune in a wide arc. Vader was forced to jump backwards to avoidbeing sliced in two. Even before his feet connected with the floor,Sephiroth surged towards Vader, unleashing another flurry of attacks.The Sith Lord was hard pressed to parry each blow.

TheMasamune glowed pale green and Vader sensed a new power in Sephiroth.The Sith Lord quickly called on the Force for defense as columns offlames erupted around the fighters. Vader would have been burnedalive if not for the protective shield the Force offered. Sephirothnoticed this and attacked Vader in the flames.

'Shall Igive you despair?' Sephiroth asked as their blades locked. 'Orhow about pain?'

Vader's eyes blazed as the inferno aroundthem subsided. He was being continuously mocked by Sephiroth and itwas touching a nerve. The dark side fed him as Vader broke the lockwith another Force push.

Sephiroth quickly recovered andjumped back towards the balcony. He swung the Masamune, slicingthrough a stone pillar. The pillar fell towards Vader, but the SithLord was ready for it.

Vader jumped towards the pillar,cutting through it a second time with his lightsaber before joiningSephiroth on the balcony. 'Impressive,' the Sith Lord remarked.

Darth Vader Vs Sephiroth

Both men raised their weapons to high guard as they walkedbackwards for a few paces. Vader instantly wished he knew how toharness Force lightning so he could fry Sephiroth instead of playinga dueling game with a warrior that was more than equal to Vader interms of swordsmanship. Sephiroth's display of power did not comefrom the Force, but Vader could only imagine how powerful Sephirothwould be if the Force was with him. It was a terrifying thoughtindeed.

Sephiroth broke the stalemate. The Masamune surgedforward like a harvesting scythe. He struck without mercy, met onlyby Vader's parry. Even with restricted space, Sephiroth still managedto project lethality into the Masamune. The mysterious warriorretracted his blade before launching another furious assault. Vader'swrists and shoulders burned from the workload. While a lightsaber'sblades weight was negligible, the Masamune's blade was dense metal.Sephiroth's incredible strength made the fact even deadlier.

Remember, Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi had said years ago.The greatest swordsmen do not rely on their weapons to projecttheir abilities for them. They instead project their own abilitiesthrough their weapons.

It was a cold fact that rang truewith Sephiroth. But it was also true of Vader. The Sith Lord caught aquick opening in the warrior's assault and lunged for the opening infront of Sephiroth's abdomen.

But Sephiroth noticed it too.He sidestepped the blow and wasted no time with the counterattack.This time, it was Vader that had an opening: his neck was completelyvulnerable to the Masamune.

Vader called on the Force tolaunch himself backwards. He quickly removed his Jedi robes andglared at Sephiroth. The mysterious warrior replied to the stare witha feral grin.

He's toying with me! Vader realized. Iam the Dark Lord of the Sith! Who is he to think he can get away withthis?

Sparks crackled around Vader's real hand. Out ofpure instinct, Vader blasted Sephiroth with Force lightning. Thewarrior was caught by surprise and thrown from the balcony from theintensity of the assault. Vader watched as Sephiroth landed on hisfeet despite being thrown from the balcony.

'Lightning, wasit?' Sephiroth asked. A blue-white aura surrounded Sephiroth's bodyas he began hovering above the floor. Gigantic bolts of lightningcrashed through the roof, bringing down a tremendous amount of stone.Lightning struck the balcony, nearly frying Vader on the spot as hetumbled towards the floor. It was only luck that allowed the SithLord not to lose his grip on his lightsaber.

Gigantic ballsof energy soared past Sephiroth, slamming into the floor aroundVader. Walls crumbled with the floor, sending debris falling to thelower levels. Vader relied on the Force to guide him through thebarrage. With a primal scream, he swung his lightsaber blade atSephiroth. The Masamune met blue plasma, completely impervious to theJedi weapon.

'Playtime's over,' Sephiroth said coldly asan invisible force shoved Vader into the air. Sephiroth leapt,swinging the Masamune at the disoriented Sith Lord. Vader parried theblow, but he was still flying towards a hole in the roof. Sephirothwas flying!

Sephiroth sought to disable his opponent in theair, each movement of the Masamune almost impossible to follow withthe eyes. Only the Force allowed Vader to match Sephiroth'smovements. When Vader passed through the hole, he called on the Forceyet again to break away from his enemy. He landed on an unevensection and watched as Sephiroth gently touched his feet on the otherside of the hole.

Vader tried a Force choke on Sephiroth,hoping to end the fight before it risked costing his life. Sephirothregistered mild discomfort on his face as his body tried to get theair it needed. A gust of wind with hurricane force slammed intoVader, causing him to fall from the roof and relieve Sephiroth of theForce choke.

Darth Vader Vs Sephiroth X


Vader's fall was broken when he landed on anoutdoor balcony and his lightsaber fell from his grasp. He clenchedhis teeth because he was unable to call on the Force fast enough toshield his body from harm. Pain flared through his body, though theSith Lord sustained no serious injury. Vader stood slowly and calledhis lightsaber back to his grip. The blue blade emerged just as Vadernoticed Sephiroth soaring downwards to meet him. A single black wingsprouted from Sephiroth's back.

The Sith Lord dove underneathSephiroth just as the Masamune cut through the air. The blade cut alarge gash into the balcony. Vader rolled forward and stood. Both menturned to face each other again. Sephiroth wasted no time in hisassault. The wide swings were perfectly balanced with the sharplunges, but as Anakin parried his blows, Sephiroth proved he couldhold the Masamune closer to his body and still use it as an effectiveweapon.

The euphoria of having conquered the Jedi Temple waslong gone. Vader's body was beginning to protest the confrontation,but he continued to call on the dark side to give him the strength heneeded to face Sephiroth and survive. Blue plasma tore through theair like a tornado. The Dark Lord of the Sith gained the offensive.

Sephiroth gave ground as Vader struck for his target zones.It was the basics of Form I Shii-Cho taught to him over a decade agoby Obi-Wan combined with the fury of Form V Djem So. Vader deliveredperfectly balanced strokes towards Sephiroth's upper and lower body.There were no wide swings like he delivered in his firstconfrontation with Darth Tyranus, only determined precision.

Sephiroth jumped off the balcony to avoid being cut down byVader. Then he flew back towards the Sith Lord, delivering yetanother wide swing from the Masamune. Vader parried the first strike,but Sephiroth followed up with a series of cuts. Too focused ondefending himself from the Masamune, Vader did not notice Sephiroth'selbow coming for his face until it was too late.

Darth Vader Vs Sephiroth

Stars dancedacross Vader's vision as Sephiroth's elbow connected with the leftside of his face. His jaw rocked from the blow and he staggeredbackwards. Sephiroth's feet connected with the balcony and thewarrior pressed his advantage. He knocked Vader's lightsaber from hishands with a sharp cut from the Masamune, sending flares of pain intothe Sith Lord's wrists. A swift kick to Vader's chest left himbreathless and he fell against the wall.

Vader heard hislightsaber clatter along the balcony, but it did not fall towards thesurface, remaining at the edge. He tried to catch his breath, but asharp pain pierced his right shoulder. He gazed at his shoulder andnoticed the Masamune had drawn first blood.

'You arebeaten,' Sephiroth gloated. 'Now everything that is yours will bemine.'

'Padmé,' Vader groaned. 'I failed you.'


Sephiroth raised an eyebrow. 'A wife?' he asked. 'Youput up a good fight, Darth Vader, but I'll enjoy ending you so I candefile your beloved. You'll never hear her screams as I invade herand murder her.'

The fire returned to Vader's eyes. Bluechanged to yellow and then to a deep crimson. I turned to the darkside to save her, he told himself. These powers can't fail menow!

Regaining his strength, Vader tore the Masamune fromhis shoulder and slammed his enemy with a mighty Force push.Sephiroth measured a look of surprise on his face due to Vader'srenewed fury. The Sith Lord called his lightsaber back to his handand his blue blade emerged with a snap-hiss.

Vaderlunged at Sephiroth, who parried the blow. But it was Vader who movedfaster this time. He slammed the pommel of his lightsaber down onSephiroth's wrists, earning a cry of pain. Vader quickly pivoted hiswrist and sliced through Sephiroth's arms.

Vader took a briefsecond to stare into Sephiroth's jade eyes before he cut through thewarrior's neck with blue plasma. Sephiroth's body fell in front ofVader and the Sith Lord backed against the wall, panting. No one elsein the Jedi Temple pushed him to the limit, but he already felt as ifhe gained more power from the confrontation. Then Vader winced,reminded of the wound in his shoulder. He would have to take care ofthat later.

Darth Vader Vs Sephiroth 2

Grabbing his comlink, Vader clicked the frequencyfor the 501st Legion. 'I am on one of the outer balconies of theJedi Temple,' he said. 'I need a medic.'

'Right away,sir,' the commander replied.

Vader deactivated hislightsaber and inhaled a fresh breath of cool night air. 'Who wasthat guy?' he thought aloud.