Nextgen Emr User Manual


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Can you get a degree online?

A college education doesn't have to be inconvenient. Our online college degree programs let you work towards your academic goals without dropping your family or professional obligations. You can get an associate, bachelor's, master's or doctoral degree online.

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How can I join online school?

Students who are eager to pursue vocational careers, but don’t have the time to sit in a traditional classroom, can rest assured that their goals are still within reach. Online education at the career or vocational level is not only available, it is gaining traction among students who recognize the value of earning their education without sacrificing work, family obligations and more.

What skills are needed for online learning?

Nextgen Epm User Manual

Nextgen Emr User Manual

You need to have a basic knowledge of computer and Internet skills in order to be successful in an online course

What are the disadvantages of online school?

Nextgen User Manual 2018

1. Online courses require more time than on-campus classes.<br/>2. Online courses require good time-management skills.<br/>3. Online courses require you to be an active learner.<br/>4. Online courses give you more freedom, perhaps, more than you can handle!<br/>5. Online courses require you to be responsible for your own learning.