Reset Vcenter 6.5 Evaluation License

Reset vcenter 6.5 evaluation license plate

RESET ESXI 6.5 EVALUATION VMware Communities 0 Less than a minute Is there a problem if in an esxi 6.5 I reset the evaluation licenses several times and then add a correct license? How to add an ESXi 6.5 host to vCenter Server (VCSA) 6.5 In our simple example here, we'll add a host that we have deployed and configured in one of our previous posts. This host does not have any special configuration just yet, but we still want to manage this host through our vCenter server and vSphere web client.

Quoted directly by Aaron from:

Reset Vmware 60 days trial license. Are you working on lab VMWare ESXi which has got 60 days trial license? At times, you realize that you are almost end of the trial and you wont be able to use ESXi anymore until you install a license. Well, you can reset the license and you can again use ESXi for next 60 days. The ESXi 6 evaluation license is valid for 60 days and a free one can be obtained from VMware at anytime. Resetting the evaluation license provides continual access to all the features available, and most importantly for me, full compatibility with the ESXi Embedded Host Client.

“This guide will give you the steps needed to reset the license file so that you can apply the evaluation license back to your ESXi host.

WARNING:This is for education/informational testing/development purposes only, and should not be used on a production server.

To reset your expired ESX 4.x, ESXi 4.x, ESXi 5.x or ESXi 6.x 60 day evaluation license:

Vcenter 6.5 Update

Vcenter 6.5 license key
  1. Login to the HOST via SSH or Shell
  2. Remove /etc/vmware/license.cfg
  3. Copy /etc/vmware/.#license.cfg to /etc/vmware/license.cfg
  4. Restart the vpxa service

Or simply copy the code below and paste it into your SSH session.

Then open the “Licensed Features” option in the configuration tab of the ESXi host through the vSphere Client.

Click on “Edit” in the top right of the “Licensed Features” page

Vmware Vcenter 6.5

Reset vcenter 6.5 evaluation license test

Vcenter License Free

Once the “Assign License” window opens you will see two options. There will be a category for “Evaluation Mode” and Assigned License. Click on the “(No License Key)” option and then click “OK”. This will set the host back to “evaluation” mode and will give you access to all features for 60-days!”