Sap Developer Key Keygen

Developer Key and Object Key

Find Registered SAP Developer & Object Access Key Posted by ITsiti — July 7, 2011 in SAP SECURITY — Leave a reply Execute transaction code SE16, enter DEVACCESS in table name field. First, user have to log in to portal and Click on - Keys and Requests. Then Click on SSCR Key. Now user have to click on Register Developer. Then give the name of Developers in order to register. Note: User can give multiple developers and then click on the register button And your developers key will git displayed on the screen. SAP Developer Key and Access Key What is Developer Key and why it is required: Whenever the ABAP developer wants to make changes to any of the SAP customized objects (i.e. The objects/programs that is there in the “Z” namespace) it require a Developer Key which is used to register user with SAP. In S4HANA there are no developer keys and object keys any more. Background of this change be SAP can be found in OSS note: 2309060 – The SSCR license key procedure is not supported in SAP S/4 HANA. So in S4HANA, you must set up authorizations for SDEVELOP properly.

  • What is Developer Key
  • What is Object Key
  • How to create them
  • Which table stores them
  • Some more Information

Defining Developer Key and Object Key

Developer key is required to register you as developer in SAP service market place. And this is done for one time only.

A developer create and changes program (or) object, then it will ask for access key which in SMP (Service Market Place) written as Object Key.

We have two types of objects

Sap developer network
  • Repository Objects (A to X)
  • Customer specific objects(Y to Z)

Changing a repository objects requires you both Developer Key and Object Key (also called as Object Access Key, Developer Access Key). And for every object you change it will ask for an Access key, with which can change SAP source or SAP dictionary object; this task is in general done by Basis team. User sends a request to Basis team for generating the key.

The developer key is issued by SAP for an individual developer user account, and access keys are issued for the development object that needs to be changed.

However changing a program /object starting with Y or Z i.e. customer specific object, you just need a developer key.

It can be access in Service Market Place at

Taking a scenario…

You are a new ABAP developer and were ask to change a program (Repository Objects) for the first time.

You will need 2 things –

  • Developer Key (One time generated)
  • An object access key for that particular object/program.

And again if you are required to change another program, next time you just need an Object Key (Developer in general refers it as Developer Access Key and request for the same to Basis Consultant)

Generating Key

1. Log on to the SAP Marketplace using an OSS ID with Administration rights – or directly

2. You will get to see the following.

3. On the SSCR – Registration screen, click the Register developer radio button.

You have to enter the user IDs of developers to be registered and click on an Installation. Make sure you select the correct Installation Number.

And then Register Developer. It will do it and give you a registration key that need to be communicate to the user.
4. For object On the SSCR – Register object screen, type in the developer’s SAP user ID and fill the following.

In general developer asks Basis team for an object key with following screenshot which are required to fill in above snap.

After filling the required click on Register and below you will see


This registration key is required by the developer to make change SAP sources or SAP dictionary objects in an R/3 system.

Other buttons in the menu.

Sap Developer Key Keygen
  • Developers registered by me – List all developers registered by you,

Sap Developer Key Request

  • Objects registered by me – List all objects registered by you.
  • My company’s registrations – This list contains developers/objects registered for those installations for which you have SSCR authorization. And also give options to download all SSCR keys.

Table storing them – DEVACCESS, can be viewed using SE16 and SE11

Some more Information

  • Access keys have the format of R3TR <Object/Class/FUNC> <Object Name>
  • What happens when the entry for a developer is deleted in the DEVACCESS table but the developer continues to use the same user ID?

The answer is that the developer can still use the old developer access key.

Sap Developer Key Keygen Key

The reason: Developer access key is nothing but an algorithm based on system number and SID and some other system values (SAP does not reveal the information). The developer access key is validated by SAP using a Kernel level C system program ”CHECK_DEVELOPER_KEY’. So, even if the developer access key has been deleted for a user ID in the DEVACCESS table, she can still use the same developer access key. So the control should be to:

Sap Developer Key Keygen 2016

  1. If the developer still works in the company and only the job role has changed, remove the developer authorizations in the user master records.
  2. You may also want to assign a new user ID with the required access instead of using the existing user ID – just in case she gets the authorizations by mistake!

Sap Developer Key Keygen Office 2010

  • One more suggestion, turn on table logging for table DEVACCESS to review all the changes.
  • As of Release 4.0, object key assignment is release-specific.
  • An object must be registered when it is changed by a registered developer user for the first time. If a registered user changes the object at a later point in time, the key is no longer requested.
  • What is SSCR –
  • Any issue check SNOTE 40850